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Thursday, April 30, 2009

How To Influence Your Senior Pastor

13. Don't be a burden, be a blessing. Senior pastors have enough on their plates and a staff member who is a burden won't get their ears.

14. Serve the vision of your senior pastor.

15. Have your senior pastor’s back. Be willing to defend your senior pastor in the face of opposition and criticism.

16. Don't make your senior pastor baby-sit you. Babysitting never leads to influence. Do your job and do it well.

17. Don't lie. Always be forthright with your leader.

18. Follow through on what you say.

19. Do everything with excellence. Your middle name should be excellence.

20. Go the extra mile and do it without complaining and whining.

21. Give great ideas, input and feedback.

22. Periodically go to your senior pastor and ask how you can help lift a load off his plate or how you can help serve the church in a greater capacity.

23. Don't be a yes man or woman. Behind closed doors tell your senior pastor the raw reality. Tell your senior pastor the problems or concerns you see before he goes public.

24. Don't blindside your senior pastor.