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Monday, April 13, 2009

Weekend Highlights

1. We had a great Easter at PC!

2. Tons of people gave their hearts to Christ!

3. 3,046 people attended Easter at PC.

4. Our volunteers are amazing! Some of our volunteers served 3, 4 and 5 experiences to make Easter happen! Thank you to our wonderful volunteers!

5. My kids looked great in their Easter outfits!

6. Tiffany looked sexy as well! She always looks sexy.

7. Yesterday, I was rushing out of the house to head to church and forgot to put on my wedding ring. I always wear my wedding ring! I felt incomplete and naked yesterday.

8. Just two more Sundays in our current auditorium.

9. The first Sunday in April was our 3-year anniversary in our current auditorium.

10. We will be worshipping in our new auditorium on May 3. The new auditorium and building won't be 100 percent complete on May 3, but we will be able to have our first experience and start remodeling our current facility.

11. Beginning May 3, the new experience times are 9AM, 10:30AM & 12PM.

12. Normally after Easter, our next big momentum season is in August when school starts back. Since we are moving into a new building, we will have an entire summer of momentum. We will be moving into the new auditorium on May 3. The entire building and remodel should be done in June. That will be an awesome Sunday when everything is complete! Grand opening should be happening in July! It's going to be a fun summer and a CRAZY fall! GO GOD!

13. I'm tired today after preaching 6 times this weekend! I still feel pretty good even though my body is screaming, “What in the world did you just do to me?” :)

14. PC family, I need as many of you as possible to attend the 8:45AM experience for TWO MORE WEEKS! Thank you so much for your passion to free up seats for all the guests who will be worshipping with us over the next two Sundays!

15. I am pumped about The Ultimate Fighter series! Invite everybody you know! God is going to transform a lot of lives through this series! Men, get ready for all God wants to do in your life!