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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

CRAZY Construction Week

As all of my blog readers know, we are moving into our new facility this week. We have a lot to get done before Sunday (everything won't be done for our first Sunday though). We live under pressure around PC. Here is what's going to get accomplished before Sunday:

1. The South and West outer glass door entrances installed.

2. Most, if not all, of the concrete in the lobby stained (a portion of it is already stained).

3. All of the bistro tables and chairs put together.

4. The ceiling tiles in two hallways and the coffee shop put in.

5. The lighting, Fire Marshall and building inspections.

6. The rest of the acoustical panels put on the auditorium walls.

7. The auditorium chairs put in the auditorium.

8. The bistro tables, bistro chairs, leather couches and leather chairs all put into place.

9. All of the instruments moved from the current auditorium into the new auditorium.

10. A wall is being put in that will half the current auditorium from a 600 seat auditorium into a 300 seat auditorium. The 7-to 12-year-old kids will worship in the front half of the 300 seat auditorium this Sunday.

11. A second coat of paint on some of the walls.

12. The current 7-to 12-year-old classroom will be turned into our 4-year-old classroom by Sunday.

13. The kids’ computer check-in screens moved to the current lobby area. The new kids’ check-in area will be where the current lobby area is in the existing building. We will mount the screens on the walls and run electricity to the computers and get them all wireless by Sunday.

14. More partitions going up in the bathrooms.

15. Two toilets are getting put in the two single restrooms.

16. Yes, my staff and I will be working until Saturday night into the wee hours.

17. This list is not complete, but that's enough to wet your appetite.

18. Thanks to all of the PC volunteers who are helping us with this hectic week. If you would like to help out this week, call the office (775-9991) and ask for Shane. We could use your help.

19. I have to get two messages done this week. I am speaking for one of my friends this week. Yes, I will be speaking Sunday at PC! I wouldn't miss our first Sunday for anything!

20. This is a light week! LOL