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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Effective Altar Calls

Don't Manipulate People

The Holy Spirit draws people to Jesus, not the preacher’s slick techniques. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying because I believe we need to be clear and convincing without manipulating. A preacher can create and feel pressure to see a response. I thank God that every week and normally in every experience at PC people give their lives to Christ. When there is an experience that no one responds, I don't hype it up or pressure people. I don't use techniques like telling those who don't know Christ that they are going to get in a car wreck immediately after the experience and die and go to hell (I mean Hell-AH). I don't place people throughout the congregation and have them raise their hands first so that it will encourage others to raise their hands. I don't believe in manipulation. I firmly believe that the same Holy Spirit that drew me to Jesus can draw other lost sinners to Jesus.