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Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday's Download

1. Please pray for the fire victims in Oklahoma. Many people lost their homes due to fires and high winds.

2. Cale doesn't have school today because it's Good Friday!

3. Since I preach all Easter weekend, we are having our family Easter egg hunt today. The kids are excited.

4. The kids dyed Easter eggs last night.

5. In Starbucks a couple of days ago, I invited a man to our Easter experiences. I actually went to my vehicle and got an Ultimate Fighter invite card and gave it to him.

6. Who have you invited to church for Easter? Somebody's eternal destination could change this Easter weekend because you invited them!

7. We need as many people as possible to attend the Saturday 5PM experience!

8. If you can't attend the Saturday 5PM experience, please attend the 8:45AM or the 1:45PM experiences on Sunday! Thank you again for freeing up seats, lobby space and kids’ space for those seeking a relationship with Christ!

9. We are moving into our new auditorium on May 3. Not everything will be finished, but it will be close enough for us to have our worship experiences on May 3. We are moving into the new auditorium ASAP so that we can begin remodeling the existing building on April 27. The remodeled kids’ space is going to be unbelievable!

10. I'm sitting on the couch right now watching my precious kids play. Tiffany is sitting in the recliner, and we are watching the news. I love Friday because it's my day off, and I get to spend it with the people I love the most.

11. I love our new office space!

12. I can't wait to get my new office together! Everything is still in boxes.

13. Beginning May 3, our new Experience times will be 9AM, 10:30AM & 12PM.

14. I'm sure I will be wiped out after preaching 6 times this weekend. It will be a good “wiped out!”

15. I am really excited about The Ultimate Fighter series. God has been speaking to my heart about what to share.