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Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend Highlights

1. It was a great Sunday at People's Church!

2. God is really challenging me through The Ultimate Fighter series. I want to fulfill God's purpose in my own generation.

3. We sang one of my favorite songs on Sunday, Glorify Your Name! That song moves me. The Worship Team did a great job! Thanks team for your passion to lead us into God's presence.

4. The lobby was jam-packed full of people. It's like that every Sunday but I really noticed it today. It amazes me that our large congregation is worshipping in a 17,000 square foot facility.

5. It's really crazy that we only have 15 minutes in between our experiences. I'm glad we will have 25 to 30 minutes in between experiences in the new facility. I want our people to have more time to build relationships and fellowship. Relationships are so key to being a healthy follower of Christ!

6. We will begin renovating our existing building starting April 27. YEA! I'm ready to have tons more kids' space! The design of this new kids' area is going to be top notch. Plus we are putting in a McDonald's Playland in the lobby of the kids' area. We are going to see thousands of kids transformed by the power of Christ! EXCITED!

7. I think I forgot to say a HUGE thank you to our Parking Lot Team for the great job you did last Sunday. It was raining cats and dogs on Easter and the way you escorted people in with umbrellas was a classy touch. Way to go, First Impressions Team.

8. I'm pumped up about this Sunday. I'm going to talk about how an ultimate fighter deals with failure.

9. One of my pastor friends dropped by PC on Sunday. I really appreciate his friendship and input. There's nothing like getting fresh eyes on PC.

10. 80 people surrendered their lives to Christ on Sunday. It was an intense time. I saw people melting in the presence of God! I'm grateful for what God is doing in the hearts of people.

11. If you're not plugged in and serving in a ministry, what are you doing? Jump on board and let God use you to make a difference in somebody's life. Email anita@peopleschurch.tv to get plugged into a ministry today.

12. God has been speaking to me about PC! I love when God shows me things clearly! Thank you God!

13. I'm pumped up about this Sunday! I already said that, but I am!!!