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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Memories From Our First Facility

This Sunday, April 26, is our last Sunday in our current facility. We will have worshipped in this facility for 3 years and 3 weeks. I can't wait to move into our new 44,000 sq foot facility on May 3. Here is a list of memories of our first facility.

1. I'll never forget the prayer meeting we had the week or so leading up to the opening of our first facility. We prayed, unpacked and unstacked chairs and got them in place.

2. I'll never forget the Saturday night before our first Sunday in our first facility. The carpet crew laid carpet until the wee hours and many of our church people helped in so many ways to make church happen that first Sunday.

3. I was so tired that first Sunday because it was a long week.

4. I'll never forget getting something like 5 or 6 inspections the Friday before we were moving into the facility. If one permit would have been denied, the city would not have allowed us to have church in our new facility. That was not an option because we had moved all of the equipment out of the AMC theaters and it was all set up and mounted at our new facility (projectors, screens, etc.).

5. Shelby, our care director, use to work for the city, so he pulled on every connection that he had to get all those inspections done on Friday! That was a very stressful day. VERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. I'll never forget moving into our new building with something like 177 parking spaces. That was a stupid rookie mistake on my part. That's what the architect said, so that's what I did!

7. The Monday following our first Sunday we paid a company to come put down a huge gravel parking lot. The gravel parking lot was ready for the second Sunday in the new building.

8. I'll never forget how proud I was of our kids’ space until we actually started using it. I would have done a totally different layout if I had to do it again! You live and learn!

9. I'll never forget going from two services to three services the first Sunday in the new building!