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Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Highlights

1. Yesterday was the last Sunday in our current facility. Surreal!!

2. We had great experiences on Sunday!

3. God is using The Ultimate Fighter series to challenge and change lives.

4. The message was a tough and inspiring message.

5. Brian, our Programming Director, led worship on Sunday. I am amazed at how gifted Brian is! You are a superstar!

6. Our staff has taken the next step towards being more diversified. We added a Puerto Rican to our team! I am pumped! Eric starts next week. He will help in the Worship & Creative Arts Department. He can lead worship in both English and Spanish. I'm excited about Eric and Colleen joining our team next week.

7. Oh yeah, diversity at PC is celebrated, not just tolerated.

8. The big announcement I made on Sunday is that my lovely wife will be teaching for the first time at PC on Mother's Day. She is teaching a message called Fight For Your Man! It's going to be awesome.

9. I've wanted Tiffany to teach at PC for some time but she has been pregnant for almost 5 years straight. What a WOMAN! Love you, sweetie.

10. May 10 is our 7 year anniversary at PC! WOW, where has the time gone?

11. This Sunday will be our first Sunday to worship in our new facility. Everything won't be done, but it will be far enough along that we can worship Jesus and raise the roof!

12. We are remodeling our existing building into kids' and youth space as you read! Exciting stuff!

13. Beginning this Sunday, May 3, our new experience times are 9 AM, 10:30 AM & 12 PM! See you on Sunday!

14. How does an Ultimate Fighter deal with difficult times? What should he do during difficult times? How should he lead during difficult times? Don't miss this coming up Sunday!

15. My wife made fried pork chops for Saturday dinner. They were awesome! I even got to eat gravy with the chops and mashed potatoes with cheese on top. YUMMY!

16. Of course, I ate leftover chops for lunch on Sunday!

17. I watched a lot of the NFL draft on Saturday and Sunday.

18. I can't wait for fantasy football to start.

19. I love my new office. I can't wait until it's all put together.

20. It's going to be a SUPER, SUPER BUSY week!

21. Have a great Monday!