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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Things You May Not Know About Me Pt. 5

21. I played college football on a full scholarship at Arkansas Tech University and at Evangel University.

22. My grandma told me I was going to be a preacher when I was a kid, and I thought she was crazy.

23. My freshman year of college at Arkansas Tech, I majored in communications. I wanted to preach part-time and be a full-time sports broadcaster for ESPN! Of course, God had other plans.

24. I'm a Starbucks fanatic! My favorite drink is a decaf coffee with Splenda and steamed half and half on top! LOVE IT! If you want to know how to bless your pastor, STARBUCKS ALWAYS MAKES ME SMILE!

25. If you got to know me, you would think I was a pretty boring person. My hobbies are working out at the gym, going to Starbucks and reading the newspaper or a book, fantasy football and spending time with my family.