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Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Random Thoughts

1. Still no fourth baby!

2. My wife and I went on a date last night. This is probably our last date for a little while. The fourth baby will be arriving soon.

3. I sure love my kids. They are stinkin' precious. When I tell my little girl to listen or mind, she always says, "Okay datty!" She melts my heart every time.

4. I have an announcement to make this Sunday at church, so you better be there!

5. People have asked how they can help Tiffany and me with our new baby. The biggest blessing is to get us a gift card to a restaurant because I'm not much of a cook and some of my kids are picky eaters. So cooking us a meal is only good for me and Tiffany but not for our kids. Thanks to all of you for your love and care. YOU'RE AWESOME!

6. This Sunday I'm speaking on faithfulness. This message is going to inspire you to greater heights!

7. Hurry up, football season! I'm waiting patiently!

8. Today is my day off, and I'm going to enjoy my family.