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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Random Thoughts

1. My family and I enjoyed American Idol last night. I was SURPRISED by Sanjaya's performance. I actually thought it was pretty good. My wife and I were cracking up at the little girl who was crying uncontrollably during Sanjaya's entire performance. My wife does the same thing when I sing... just kidding :). My favorite guy is Blake. That dude has mad skills. My favorite gal is Melinda. She can sang.

2. This weekend we are continuing our series Legalism Is Not Legal, and my message title this weekend is Who's Your Daddy. This is going to be a fun message. So many people are going to be set free from the bondage of legalism. Have I mentioned that I HATE LEGALISM?

3. On Easter weekend my message title is Forgiveness. We all need forgiveness. I'm excited for many of your family and friends to experience true forgiveness through Christ. Thank God for His grace and mercy. Get as many of your family and friends to our Easter services. They will enjoy the experience and be able to encounter God's incredible love.

4. Today is a major study day. I actually studied for a few hours yesterday, so I am ahead of where I usually am on Wednesdays.

5. By the end of the summer, my goal is to be one to two weeks ahead on my message preparation. This will help me mentally and help me on the creative side of my messages. The difference between a good message and a great message is about 5 hours :). All of you communicators know what I'm talking about. It takes 10 to 15, sometimes even up to 20 hours to put together one message. When you calculate the prayer time, the research time, the study time, the think time (in the car, shower, bed, gym), the creative time (videos, illustrations), the working out transition time and the memorizing time (speaking the message to yourself 2 or 3 times), a lot of energy goes into just one message.

6. My wife seems to be feeling better. She's been fighting off a mean cold or sinuses or something.