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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Just Go To Hell

This weekend one of my old friends who I haven't seen in 5 or 6 years is coming to People's Church. My friend is a pastor in another country (actually a very nice ISLAND). When my friend emailed me last night and told me he and six men from his church would be visiting People's Church this weekend, I immediately began to think about what will be happening in the services. What am I speaking about? What songs are we singing? What videos are we showing? I want my friend to enjoy his first experience at People's Church.

This is a valuable lesson for all of us. As a church we never get a second chance to make a first impression. EVERY single week we have first time guests at People's Church. Every single week people are inviting their friends and family to People's Church, and they're counting on us to be on top of our game. So we must always view our church from a guest's perspective. The weekend we decide to slack off in the parking lot ministry, greeter ministry, usher ministry, children's ministry, music, videos, speaking, lights, power point, sound or any other ministry, we are not viewing our church from a first time guest's perspective. The weekend we slack off, we are simply showing our guest, who may not know Christ, we really don't care if you go to hell. I had a rough week, so I'm not going to be friendly in the parking lot, so just go to hell. I got in an argument on the way to church with my spouse, so I'm going to be a rude greeter, so just go to hell. I'm tired today, so I'm going to show up late or not show up at all to serve in the kids' department, so just go to hell. People are on my last nerve, so I don't have the patience to help you and your family find a good seat, so just go to hell. There are weeks as a pastor that I don't feel like studying my message and if I slack off, I'm saying to our guest, just go to hell! We must be very careful not to make church all about us. EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND PEOPLE ARE MAKING A DECISION ABOUT THEIR ETERNITY. Are we helping or hurting that decision? All of us play a vital role in helping our guest have a positive church experience. If one of us slacks, it's a reflection on all of us. So we must always remember that every weekend is somebody's first weekend to experience People's Church and the love of Christ. I better get to doing my part and study for this weekend's message because I DON'T WANT ANY ONE TO GO TO HELL!