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Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend Highlights

1. On Friday, we had a family date night. It’s always fun hanging with my family.

2. Saturday morning was a special time. Tiffany made our family cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Cale, our oldest son, loves sweets, so he couldn't wait for breakfast. At bedtime on Friday night, he was talking about breakfast. When he woke up Saturday morning, one of the first things he talked about was eating cinnamon rolls. Thank you, Tiffany, for a special Saturday morning as a family.

3. My little daughter, Caris, cuddled with her daddy for a long time on Saturday morning. We sat in my favorite chair and watched cartoons together.

4. We had a good Sunday at People's Church.

5. My good friend, Clark Mitchell, dropped by and worshipped with us during our 10AM experience. Clark is the Senior Pastor of Journey Church in Norman. Clark is a great friend and pastor.

6. We sang the song We Need You, Lord on Sunday. This song is so fitting for the days we are living in.

7. I preached on the number one thing that stifles and stops churches from being dangerous and effective for God.

8. All the students are on spring break this week in Oklahoma.

9. People are hungry for God. I love seeing people chase after God. More of God and less of us is what we need.

10. Thank you to all of you who are attending the 8:45AM experience. You folks are super awesome!

11. Tiffany and I are now on season 3 of 24! We enjoy watching this show together. It's intense.

12. I love the team I get to do ministry with.

13. If you are going through a tough time in life, turn to God.

14. I love serving God and living life!

15. Have a super Monday! Seriously, no matter what you’re facing, your attitude is always your choice, so make it a great Monday!