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Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend Highlights

1. It was a relaxing weekend at the Cooper house.

2. My wife made fried pork chops and mashed potatoes & gravy for dinner on Saturday, and we had leftovers on Sunday. We don't eat a lot of fried foods at the Cooper house, so this was a special treat. Boy was it good!

3. Yesterday, I preached a message titled IMAGINE A Changing Church. My goal was to prepare our church for all of the changes that will occur in our new building. I wanted our church to know the heartbeat behind why we are always changing things at PC.

4. If you missed church yesterday, please listen to the message online. I think it will be very helpful to you.

5. Daylight Savings is one of the lowest attended Sundays every year at PC. Memorial Day is usually the worst and Daylight Savings is normally the second. Our attendance was about what I thought it would be.

6. Even on Daylight Savings Sunday, people gave their hearts to Christ. GO GOD!

7. We took communion in all four experiences. It is always amazing to remember the great sacrifice Jesus paid for our salvation!

8. I used a lot of visuals in my message. I love to illustrate points with videos or visuals. It helps to drive home the point, and it helps people to remember what was said.

9. This coming up Sunday, I am preaching a message titled IMAGINE A Dangerous Church. I'm really excited to study for this message. There are a lot of things that God is speaking to me about regarding this subject.

10. I walked through our new building Sunday after church. It is coming together quickly. Our contractors are working with great energy and fervor to get us in by Easter. Keep praying that everything falls right into place. So far so good!

11. I can't believe the Dallas Cowboys released Terrell Owens. He is a pain, but the dude can play football. My Cowboys need another good receiver.

12. My Oklahoma City Thunder are going to be a good team next year. They are finishing the season strong.