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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lessons From Building Two Buildings

Over the last four years, our church has built two buildings. Our first phase included buying 50 acres and building a 17,500 square foot facility. Our second phase is a 44,000 square foot facility. Our target date to move into our second phase is Easter Sunday, April 12. Here are some lessons I have learned from building two facilities:

1. If you have a builder or contractor in your church, listen to their wisdom. On our first phase, a builder in our church told me what to do to save money. I didn't follow his advice, and it cost us money. He had the experience, and I didn't heed his advice. Goofy me!

2. It's hard to get a loan when you are a new church. Your church’s finances need to be in order, and the church needs to be cash strong to secure a good loan with a good rate. Advice on getting your church’s finances in order:

A. If you are a new church, start saving a percentage of the church’s income from day one.

B. Give a percentage of your church’s income away to missions, church plants, the poor and other ministries that are making a difference. At People's Church, we give away 10 percent of our income, and the Lord has blessed us because of it. You can't out give God!!

C. Have an outside accounting firm involved in your church’s finances. I would strongly encourage every church to be audited or have an audit review of your church’s finances every year. We do, and it's worth every penny we spend.

3. Buy as much land as possible. God isn't making any more land. Your vision for 3, 5 or 10 years from now could be stifled because you didn't buy enough land.