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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Hate Staff Retreats pt. 2


I enjoy staff retreats because it's one of the ways that I can invest in my team. One of the huge reasons People's Church is such a great church is because of the INCREDIBLE staff that God has blessed us with. I am so blessed to work with such gifted, passionate and God fearing people.

I want to invest in my team spiritually so we begin every year with prayer and fasting and have other times throughout the year of prayer and fasting. I want to invest in them financially so our board of directors makes sure they are paid well. I want to invest in them physically so I encourage them to work out, eat right, take vacations and to take their days off every week. I want to invest in their growth as leaders so I have them read books, we listen to cd's and DVD's of great leaders, we go to conferences, we have quarterly reviews and I encourage them to connect with other sharp leaders. I want to invest in them relationally so I have them over to my home throughout the year, we go out to eat twice a month as a team and we go on a all family staff retreat once a year.

Investing in our leadership team pays huge dividends! Staff retreats is one of those investments!