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Thursday, June 12, 2008

How To Take A Vacation? pt. 6

Find a place to unwind.

Go somewhere you can relax. For some, that may be your home. For some, that may be with-out-of state family. For some, that may be the lake. For some, that may be the ocean. For me, I love to go out of town with my family. We have a couple of places that we go where I can really recharge my batteries.

My advice is don't take vacations and go to places where you are drained and actually feel more tired after the vacation. I'm not saying to dis your family or friends (I can actually recharge my batteries around some of my family). I thought I better throw that in there because some of my family read my blog :)! I'm just saying you need to spend a few days recharging your batteries. There can be such a thing as obligation vacations, and then there are relaxing vacations. You don't always need to take an obligation vacation. There are times you need a relaxing vacation. That may include leaving the kids with family or a babysitter and just you and your spouse go on a fun and relaxing trip together.

Once again, it's okay for you to tell your spouse about my blog :)!