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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How To Take A Vacation? pt. 5

Don't use your vacation to work!

If at all possible, don't do work projects around the house during your vacation. If you have to, at least take 2 or 3 days off to relax before you tackle a project around the house. I realize some people find house projects relaxing, I DON'T! They drain me. I hate house projects, so I don't schedule them during my vacations. I would rather come home and work late at night or even on the weekend so that I can finish up a project and actually use my vacation time to get some rest.

So many people go back to work more tired than they were before they actually took a so called vacation. My advice to you is take a real vacation and quit feeling guilty for actually getting some rest and relaxation. Some of you are just flat out workaholics, and you don't know how to rest. TAKE A REAL VACATION! You'll be glad you did!

It's okay to tell your spouse about my blog so that you can actually take a real vacation :)!