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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hindrances To Growth pt. 3

I Had To Embrace Growing As A Leader (And Still Have To).

I'm going to list some of the ways that I have grown as a leader.

1. When I started PC, I thought I knew what I was doing (most of the church planters I meet do). Boy was I wrong! I quickly found other pastors who could pour into my life.

2. When I met with other pastors, read books or listened to CD's, I quickly implemented what I learned. I STILL DO THIS!

3. I learned to welcome constructive criticism. I've become much more broken by planting this church. Being a full-time evangelist/traveling speaker puffed my head up. Being a full-time church planter/pastor beat me down to size.

4. I've gotten better at overcoming many of my insecurities. The key word is better. I'm not there yet! Some of my insecurities are; thinking I know more than I do, wanting to be liked, wanting to be understood, wanting to feel valued, wanting control.

5. I've become better at empowering leaders. I have learned, and am still learning, the value of equipping and releasing our staff and key volunteers to do what they do best. Being a control freak will stifle a church with the quickness!