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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What My Week Looks Like

Many people are interested in what a pastor’s week looks like. I do enjoy gleaning from how certain pastors organize their daily routine. I am always eager to learn and become a better time manager. Over the next few days, I will share what my week looks like and some changes that I am making to my daily schedule.


1. I spend some time hanging with my kids when they first wake up.
2. I have my quiet time with God.
3. I work out at the gym.
4. I have my Executive Meeting.
5. I study for Sunday's message.
6. I usually finish the work day by swinging by the office and finishing up some busy work or meeting with a staff member.
7. I go to my Community Group.
8. I spend the rest of the evening with my family.


1. I spend some time hanging with my kids when they first wake up.
2. I have my quiet time with God.
3. I work out at the gym.
4. I study for Sunday's message.
5. I finish the work day with busy work and/or meeting with or coaching a staff member.
6. I head home around 4:45 to 5:00PM to eat dinner and spend the evening with my family.