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Friday, March 7, 2008

Guest Blog: Josh Brown pt. 5

Thank You:

I want to thank Pastor Herbert for the opportunity to share my thoughts with you this week. I also want to thank you for taking the time to read through the blogs this week. A big thanks to every pastor who shares and encourages their teams to be an open book and share what they have learned in ministry with others. In a society that pushes each man for themselves, I think it is awesome that churches are stepping up and opening up their wealth of knowledge to help other church leaders reach more people with the good new of Jesus Christ. I want to encourage you whether you are a Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, Children’s Pastor, Youth Pastor, etc. to never stop learning and growing. Then, share your experiences with others in ministry. I cannot think of anything God has given us that He hasn’t asked us to share or use for His Kingdom. God asks for our time, talents, resources and knowledge. As you probably have noticed, I have referenced people in these blogs who have opened up their knowledge to us whether in person or in their writings. I honestly believe God has given us all of the resources we need to reach this world for Him. We just need to be willing to open up and share these resources.

Thank you to all who have chosen to lay down your lives to reach this world with the great news of Jesus Christ. We are better together.