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Monday, March 24, 2008

Weekend Update

1. Our 5 Easter services were PHENOMENAL!

2. I thought I was going to pass out after preaching 5 times in a row. My body is use to 4 times, but adding a 5th service was tough but doable.

3. We almost had 2500 in attendance.

4. The excitement level was off the chart yesterday.

5. 80 people gave their hearts to Christ! THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT!

6. Volunteers, YOU SHOWED UP IN A HUGE WAY YESTERDAY! Thank you for stepping up and ministering to our church family and our guests. You all are truly inspiring and UNBELIEVABLE!

7. The worship team was off the hook yesterday. Thanks worship team for leading us into God's presence.

8. To the staff that I have the privilege of serving with, THANK YOU for your hard work to pull off an incredible day. It's a joy serving at PC with you!

9. To all of our guests, it was GREAT having you worship with us at PC yesterday. I look forward to seeing you back at PC this coming weekend for another great time in God's presence!

10. Invite EVERYBODY you know to be at church this Sunday as I continue the series The Perfect Kid. The title this Sunday is The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Kids Pt. 2. Trust me, you don't want to miss this message, and you’ll want to get everybody you know to attend with you. It will revolutionize your family!