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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things That Will Take Your Ministry To The Next Level pt. 3

5. Work harder: Some pastors are flat out lazy. They use spiritual mumble jumble to justify their laziness. If you want to go to the next level, it will require hard work. Start another service, prepare for staff and volunteer meetings, make your services better, make your preaching better and build relationships with the movers and shakers in your church. God doesn't bless laziness.

6. Work smarter not harder: Some pastors work harder but not smarter. These pastors don't struggle with laziness, but they are killing themselves by working harder and stopping the ministry from going to the next level. Learn to delegate, build a team, less is more, focus on only what you can do, quit micro managing and don't confuse long hours with accomplishment. Work smarter not harder!

7. Take a risk: THIS IS HUGE! If you want to go to the next level, it will require risk. You have to quit playing it safe. After all, the Bible says we should live by faith. When is the last time you took a MAJOR faith leap to get your ministry to the next level? When our church was a little over one year old, we started a second service. When our church was a little over two years old, we bought 50 acres of land, started a stewardship campaign and built our first building. THESE WERE ALL MAJOR RISKS THAT TOOK US TO THE NEXT LEVEL! TAKE A RISK!!