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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Risky Business

For the next few days, I want to talk to you about risk (FAITH). I think most people go through life playing it safe. I think most people live a life full of regrets. I think most people get to the end of their lives and think, "I wish I would have __________________." You can fill in the blank. I am determined not to live a life of full of regrets and thinking I wish I would have _________________. I want to stay in tune with God, hear His voice and respond to His leading. When it comes to responding to God's voice, I would rather be aggressive than passive. Face it, we all miss God sometimes, but I want to be known as a person who aggressively pursues God's plan and vision for my life, my family and for People's Church. If I miss God from time to time (and I will), I am going to miss God moving forward in faith rather than standing still and doing nothing. If you are really following God, it's RISKY BUSINESS!