1. We had great services this weekend. 39 people made a decision to follow Christ. THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT! It's a great feeling knowing every week People's Church is playing a major part in snatching people out of darkness.
2. If you have recently made a decision to follow Christ or you simply want to know more about the bible and having a vibrant relationship with Christ, don't miss Starting Point. Starting Point is an eight week Community Group/Class where you will learn about living for God and you will be able to ask questions. This is a great environment to EXPLORE FAITH AND EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY. Starting Point begins this Wednesday night at 7pm at People's Church.
3. One of our members who grew up in church and has heard tons of preaching throughout his life told me that the message this weekend was the best he has ever heard. That was a great compliment! I always appreciate the kind words from our church family. So many of you encourage my family by praying for us and sharing with us how God is changing your life through People's Church. Thanks for being such a loving church family. YOU FOLKS ARE THE BEST.
4. I thought our video and lighting team did a great job this weekend. There were a lot of transitions that they had to be ready for. If you noticed, I never said please start the video. Which means they had to pay close attention to what I was saying (no day dreaming), and of course they followed their cues precisely. Our entire staff works extremely hard to have GREAT services EVERY week, not just on Easter. EVERY WEEKEND AT PEOPLE'S CHURCH IS EASTER because every weekend people need the Lord.
5. Let’s get ready because another life changing weekend is right around the corner! This weekend’s message is titled Pain Killer. You, your friends and family will learn how to deal with the devastation of hurt and pain. INVITE EVERY ONE YOU KNOW TO EXPERIENCE GOD THIS WEEKEND AT PEOPLE'S CHURCH!