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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Raising Kids Pt. 2

I want to list some common mistakes parents make.

1. They let their kids be the CEO of the house. Be sure not to let your kids run your house. They are not in charge. They are not the parents.

2. They are not consistent with their discipline. You can't let your kids do whatever they want 50 percent of the time and discipline them the other 50 percent of the time. If they are doing something wrong, be consistent in correcting the problem.

3. They make church or youth service an option. This goes back to not letting your kids be the CEO. Lay out the non-negotiable rules in your house. An example may be, as long as you live in the Beep Box house you will 1. Make your bed 2. Do your chores 3. Read a book 4. Go to church 5. Go to school 6. Do your homework. Don't let your kids make up the rules. They're the kids not the parents.

4. Some parents say they are Christ followers but they're not committed to Christ. If parents don't make Christ a priority, they shouldn't expect their kids to make Christ a priority. It breaks my heart to see parents instill bad values into their kids. Then they show up at the church office wondering what's wrong with their kids.

5. They put their work and hobbies before their kids. As I said yesterday, kids spell love T.I.M.E. They don't want the newest toy more than they want your time. They don't want more shoes or clothes more than they want your time. The only thing that can replace parents spending time with their kids are parents spending time with their kids.