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Tuesday, August 12, 2008


If a pastor is not careful, he can go from leading people to begging people. Over the six years of leading People's Church, I've learned that it's not good to beg. Begging only causes you more problems. QUIT BEGGING!

Stop Begging People Who Want To Leave Your Church To Stay

1. If somebody is not for the vision, then they are not for the vision. Quit trying to convince them, and help them find another place where they can support the vision.

2. If someone is always complaining about the direction of the church, stop spending all of your time, energy and prayers pleading and begging two or three people to get it, and lead the rest. Don't let two or three people get you off track.

3. If someone tells you that they will leave the church or pull their support if you don't do what they want, lovingly and quickly show them the door. Don't you dare beg someone to stay just because they have influence. If they are trying to hijack the vision, they do not need to be on board the ship!