1. I don't like excuses. Our world is full of excuse makers. Guess what, making excuses won't get you anywhere. Those closest to me know that I will not tolerate excuses. I don't want to hear excuses. I don't want to hear why you can't get it done. I don't want to hear the problems, I want to know the solutions. If you are an excuse maker, STOP IT AND Just do it! EXCUSES WON'T GET YOU ANYWHERE!
2. I don't like division. For the record, People's Church is very unified, but I do dislike Christians who tear each other down. I dislike preachers, ministers or whatever you call them who tear down other ministries. We are on the same team! WE CRITICIZE WHAT WE DON'T UNDERSTAND. YOUR CRITICISM OF ANOTHER MINISTRY OR CHRISTIAN IS NOTHING BUT PRIDE! Friends, quit bringing shame to the name of Jesus and quit injuring people who are on the same team. We will never kick the devil in his face if we are spending our time kicking each others' faces!
3. I don't like church shopping. I've talked to people who have been looking for a church home for 2 years. WHATEVER! If Jesus was the Senior Pastor of a church, these people would still be looking for a church to call home. This is a sickening mentality. FIND A CHURCH WHERE YOU CAN SERVE, GROW, GIVE, AND BE A BLESSING! There is no perfect church so quit making church ALL ABOUT YOU and get plugged in somewhere.
4. I don't like a lack of commitment. Our society is inundated with a lack of commitment. Many people today are not committed to anything (marriage, church, family, job). The moment something goes wrong they're out of there. As a Christ follower, we should be the most committed people on the planet.
5. I don't like spiritual space cadets. It really bothers me when people use God and His name to try and get what they want. QUIT HIDING BEHIND GOD AND JUST SAY WHAT YOU MEAN! Christian people love to say God told me or I feel led to accomplish their own agenda. Quit spiritualizing everything to get your own way!