The most challenging job for any leader is to find and develop leaders. At People's Church, we are always looking for sharp, committed, loyal, gifted people who love God and love the vision and mission of People's Church. Here are some of the challenges about finding leaders.
1. There is a commitment vacuum among people. Many people aren't committed to anything. They may be highly gifted, but they're not committed. They may be really smart, but they're not committed. They may be really positive, but they're not committed. We don't hire staff members who don't have commitment. We try to hire most of our staff from inside the church, and one of the first things we look for is: are they COMMITTED to God, to their family and to the local church.
2. There is an integrity vacuum among people. Many people will say one thing and do another. Their word isn't any good. Their morals aren't very high. They will say they are committed to God, but don't exemplify Christ like behavior. They say they are committed to the local church but they don't tithe to their local church, serve in their local church or fellowship and grow spiritually with other believers in their local church. Many people's talk doesn't match their walk. I have a little test I give people. I watch people for a while to see if they are just talk! If a person has integrity, the longer I know them will cause me to respect them more not less.
3. There is a work ethic vacuum among people. Many people think working for the local church is easy. It's just coming to church with a bunch of other Christians and praying and reading the Bible all day. WRONG! We do love God. We do pray and read our Bibles, but the local church, if it's working right, demands flat out hard work. At People's Church, slackers don't get hired. People who don't know how to pray like it depends on God and WORK LIKE IT DEPENDS ON THEM don't make it in our environment. We believe the local church is the most important organization on the planet, and it deserves our best. People's lives are changed by Christ through this entity called the local church. Many people just don't like to work hard. Our staff ARE not workaholics, but we are going to put in 40 to 50 hours a week of high quality work for the kingdom's sake!
4. There is a positive attitude vacuum among people. Many people have an attitude problem. They don't work well with teams because they have trouble getting along with people. At People's Church, one of our core values is having a positive attitude. We will not tolerate a bad attitude. Life is way to short to work with people who see the glass half empty instead of half full.