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Wednesday, June 6, 2007


In my daily quiet time with the Lord, I finished up 1 & 2 Peter last week. I actually read both of those books through two times over the past month or so. God really spoke to me through those two books. I have been spending a lot of time studying the New Testament in my quiet times so, I decided to go to the Old Testament for a season. I began reading Exodus this week and God has already been speaking to me through His Word.

I can't make it without time in God's Word. Whenever I neglect my time with God it shows up in so many areas of my life. I will not be the husband, father, friend or pastor God wants me to be without consistent time in God's holy book, the Bible. It really does make that big of a difference in my life.

This past weekend we sang a song called Falling In Love With Jesus and the song went on to say that's the best thing I've ever done. I'm truly falling deeper in love with my Savior. I love Him more today than I did when I first met Him as a teenager. My relationship with God continues to grow deeper because I'm committed to carve out consistent time with my heavenly Father. Are you falling in love our out of love with Jesus?