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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

One Liners That Have Impacted Me pt. 2

"Develop Your Strengths And Delegate Your Weaknesses."

I don't want to be well-rounded. I don't want to be good at everything. As a matter of fact, I don't have the ability to be good at everything. Some of you are thinking, “Well, Herbert that's easy for you to say because you have a large church with a paid staff.” Believe it or not, I have put this into practice from the very beginning of our church when we were running 40 and 50 people in the summer of 2002. I never have written one check (I don't even know how to write a check) on Quick Books. I never have put together one PowerPoint presentation (I don't even know how). I don't even know how to run the copy machine (that's sad, and I know it is :). You would be amazed at how much stuff I don't know how to do because I delegate it with the quickness. I will NEVER be good at 5 or 10 things, but I think I have the ability to be great at one or two things. I DON'T WANT TO BE WELL-ROUNDED!