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Monday, July 20, 2009

Grand Opening Weekend Highlights

1. It was a very great and rewarding weekend.

2. It was great having Tiffany's grandparents, Bill and Donna, here for this special weekend. Bill and Donna love the Lord and pray for Tiffany and me often. They live in Minnesota and will be heading home on Wednesday, so we have a couple more days to enjoy them.

3. It was also great having Tiffany's parents, Tim and Nadine, here for the Grand Opening Celebration. They pastor a church in the Grand Island, Nebraska area. They are leaving sometime this morning to head back home to Nebraska. We will miss them.

4. Tim and Nadine brought Tiffany's sister’s three kids to Oklahoma for the celebration. They had a great time playing with their cousins.

5. My good friend, Craig Groeschel, the Senior Pastor of www.lifechurch.tv, came to People's Church yesterday to celebrate with us. Craig and Amy have been such a blessing to Tiffany and me!

6. Our friends, Ralph and Gail Irwin, drove from Springfield, MO, to be a part of our special day. I was bummed out that I didn't get to see them. Thanks so much for coming! It means a lot to Tiffany and me.

7. The worship was great yesterday!

8. The rap group, Exodus, ministered yesterday, and it was awesome! Two of the rappers go to our church.

9. The God of This City video was incredible!

10. I began the message by sitting inside the driver’s side of a jeep. The church laughed in every experience because it caught them off guard and grabbed their attention.

11. The message was very inspiring for me, and I know God used it to inspire our church to move forward with God!

12. News Channel 9 (CBS), did a story on our Grand Opening during the 5:30PM & 10:00PM news. You can check it out at www.news9.com

13. The Daily Oklahoman did a story on our Grand Opening in Saturday's paper.

14. Tons of people gave their lives to Christ!

15. I'm so excited about the future of People's Church! Our best days are ahead of us!

16. This coming up Sunday, I will be teaching a message titled The Road To Worry!