1. This weekend was a great weekend at PC. I talked to our church about our spiritual growth process. The emphasis of the message was how does PC help people grow spiritually.
2. Church family, take the next step in your spiritual growth. Don't be a constipated Christian. For those of you who missed the message yesterday, check it out online. I talked about how Christians become constipated in their walk with Christ. The church was laughing so hard that I thought some people where going to fall out of their seats. The point was driven home by this illustration. The message should be online today or tomorrow. Go to www.peopleschurch.tv and check it out.
3. 29 people gave their lives to Christ yesterday. That is what it's all about!
4. The
5. I forgot to mention in my random thoughts post on Friday that my wife and I are glad American Idol is back on. We are huge fans!
6. People's Church, take the next step in your spiritual growth!!
7. This coming up Sunday is Friend’s Day. Everybody bring a friend to church who needs to experience God's love and forgiveness. No excuses, bring a friend and let's watch our awesome God change lives.
8. The CRAZY Campaign is off and rolling. Be sure to use your prayer guide and pray for God to do great things through this CRAZY season. Also, be sure to come to the CRAZY meetings you have been invited to. The staff and I are looking forward to sharing the vision with you and answering your questions about this exciting CRAZY season. This is by far the most exciting thing happening at PC in 2008! Don't miss out!