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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Things That Help Me Grow As A Leader

1. I have several good pastor friends that I talk to frequently. These leaders are great strategic thinkers, and they challenge me as a leader. Every pastor needs some pastor friends who can help them grow, give them advice and will allow them to vent their frustrations.

2. I have a few pastors of very large churches I meet with a couple of times a year that stretch me to think on another level. I love being around them because they challenge me, offer me advice on another level and speak into my life and ministry.

3. I have a pastor who has been a mentor and friend for many years. I talk to him whenever I am facing difficult decisions. I try to eat lunch with him a couple of times a year. He has so much experience and wisdom. I trust him and value his opinion. He is a leader of leaders.

More tomorrow