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Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Little Things Make The Difference pt. 3

I am committed to living a life of integrity and accountability. I am living a life above reproach when it comes to the big things: relationships, finances and morality. I am a big believer in surrounding myself with accountability structures that will keep me far from falling. I know my own weaknesses and temptations, so I have put or others have put in place extra safeguards so that I can live a life of integrity for the long haul. I am also committed to having integrity in what some would call the small things. My goal is always for those closest to me to have the most respect for me. Anybody can respect me from a distance, but my wife, kids, friends and close staff members really know me. They know that I am walking in integrity, and that encourages me greatly. We live in a world where many people neglect integrity. I firmly believe that having integrity, even in the little things, makes THE DIFFERENCE. Some questions for you:

1. Do you do what you say you will do?

2. Do people trust you?

3. Do you follow through on your commitments?

4. Do you justify your behavior?

5. Do you blame others and circumstances for your lack of integrity?

6. Do you have hidden sin in your life?

7. Do you deceive people?

8. Do you lie to people?

9. Are you dependable?

There are no shortcuts when it comes to having and maintaining integrity. Either you are building your life on the firm rock of integrity or you are building your life on a very slippery slope. The little things make the difference!