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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Who's Got Your Back?

One of the things that's a vital part of People's Church's DNA is loyalty. When you read through the New Testament, you can't escape how much unity in the church is emphasized. Loyalty breeds unity. On our staff and amongst some of our key volunteer leaders, we don't always agree on everything. Our staff disagrees and even argues, in a Christ like way :), about certain decisions, but we all know when we leave the room we’ve got each others’ backs. THAT'S A GREAT FEELING TO KNOW THAT THERE IS LOYALTY AMONG THE TEAM AND LEADERS. It sure makes me sleep good at night!

I strongly believe loyalty is a two way street. I don't just expect the staff to be loyal to me, I am loyal to the staff. I will never sell out one of our staff members when a church person disagrees with them to me (unless it's illegal, immoral, etc. and thank God that's not happened yet). I have their backs in front of church people, and if needed, I correct them behind close doors. I realize that trust is key to a healthy working environment, and trust is established when loyalty is present. Matter of fact, I have rarely had people come to me and complain about a staff member because we have created a culture of loyalty and I communicate it in the messages that I speak.

This is a vital subject for you and your team to wrestle with and answer (your team may be volunteer leaders). Unity is a major key to having God's blessings on your church so get serious about tackling the subject of Who's Got Your Back? IT WILL MAKE YOU OR BREAK YOU!