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Friday, July 6, 2007

Guest Blog: Brian Rush Pt. 4

Thoughts On Worship

I often hear stories of worship leaders and pastors being at each others throats, not working together and the list goes on. I have never really understood this dynamic or why it is this way in so many places. I guess, the way I have always looked at it is that I am called to serve, and if I felt like I couldn’t do that in a particular place, I would find the right place God wanted me to be. It’s not my job to dictate to the pastor the vision God has given him for this body of believers. It’s my job and calling to do what is best for the church in line with the pastor’s vision (in my case, People’s Church). My preferences, opinions, likes and dislikes come after that.

Worship is not just a song, genre, poem, moving experience or ______________________(fill in the blank for you). Worship is literally everything we do. It shows up in our actions, attitude, giving, use of time, families, everything. Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” If I offer my body to God as a living sacrifice, that pretty much covers every single thing I do/am. As I journey with Christ, my prayer is that my entire life is worship. An embodiment of pursuing a God that I desperately love and that loves me more than I can comprehend.

So how do you worship? Do you relegate it to music? Is your worship based on how you feel that day or is it constant? What are some new ways that you could worship that you haven’t before? Good food for thought…

Have an amazing weekend,