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Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekend Highlights

1. Cale's football team won the championship and had their end of the season football party at CiCi's Pizza on Thursday night. All the boys were super excited. They did a great job in their first season.

2. On Friday, we did a lot of hanging out around the house. I changed some outdoor light bulbs by the garage, on the porch and in our landscaping.

3. The Cooper family broke out the Christmas trees this weekend. My wife is a great decorator. We have trees and lights all around our house. I love the Christmas season.

4. On Friday night, we made a trip to Braum's for ice cream, and I got an eggnog shake. Those things are awesome. You eggnog lovers need to try one.

5. I taught the PC folks what the Bible says about Dumping Debt.

6. Many people made a commitment to get out of debt and to honor God with their finances. I can't wait to hear the testimonies of what God does in people's financial lives. GREEN PEACE!

7. Many people committed their lives to Christ.

8. We launched a new 4 year-old class in our Kids Ministry on Sunday. The 3 and 4 year-old kids have been worshipping together, but the Kids Ministry is growing a bunch. Now the 3 year-olds have their own room, and the 4 year-olds have their own room. The volunteers loved this change, and I know the kids did as well.

9. Our junior high students moved into a new worship area on Sunday. We renovated our only multi-purpose room plus some of our office space and turned it into a new junior high room. I hated to lose the office space, but our Kids and Youth Ministry is more important than office space. Our kids and teenagers deserve the best!

10. Our Starting Point class for new believers and our Next class for those who are new to People's Church and want to learn more about PC and/or get plugged into PC have moved from the old multi-purpose room to the coffee shop. I'm glad our coffee shop is big!

11. It's amazing how quick we can fill up a 61,000 square foot building. Just a few months ago we only had 17,500 square feet.

12. Thanks, PC and the PC staff, for your flexibility and passion to reach more people.

13. Be a part of the first ever special Christmas choir. Go to choir practice this Tuesday night at 7PM.

14. Our Christmas series is going to be SUPER GOOD! It begins Thanksgiving weekend.

15. Where was my Oklahoma Sooners offense last week against Nebraska? Oh well, at least we beat A&M.

16. My Dallas Cowboys looked awful yesterday. Come on BOYS!

17. What in the world was Bill Belichick thinking on the 4th down call? You have to be kidding! I was going for the Colts, but I thought that was a horrible play call.

18. Have a super Monday everybody! Run to win!