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Thursday, November 6, 2008

I Want A Racially Diverse Church pt. 4

16. Marry someone from another race. OK, this is not a requirement! :) I did not marry my wife for any other reason except for the fact that God brought us together, but God has used our interracial marriage to minister to many people and to help us build a diverse church.

17. Build relationships with other pastors who lead a diverse church. These relationships can be instrumental in helping you overcome barriers and division in your church and community.

18. Be intentional about having people of other races on your Parking Lot Team, Greeter Team and Usher Team. Once again, it's like the platform, people need to see themselves represented in places of influence.

19. Don't try to build a diverse church if your community or city is not diverse. It may be a desire in your heart, but if your community is not diverse, your church will not be diverse. I know this sounds elementary, but I have seen pastors struggle with this.

20. Focus on Jesus. Don't make it all about diversity; instead make it all about Jesus! Don't become so consumed with being diverse that you miss what it's all about, JESUS! Focus on loving Jesus, obeying Jesus and following Jesus and let God build his church!