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Thursday, September 27, 2007

What I'm Excited About

1. I'm excited that I'm forgiven of my sins. There are times when I'm working throughout the day, and I start to think about what my life would be like without Christ. It would be a complete mess. Christ has made all the difference in my life. Jesus has brought life-change, stability and wholeness to my life.

2. I'm excited about my wife and kids. I love them so much. They mean the world to me. It's such an honor to be in love with my best friend and to raise our kids together. Life doesn't get any better than this!

3. I'm excited about the staff I get to work with on a daily basis. Recently, we made the switch to working through an executive/management team. This team consists of three people, Josh, Brian and myself. Josh is my Senior Associate and runs the church and staff. Brian is my Programming Director and runs every aspect of our weekend services. Between the two of them, they are running People's Church. This has been such a great transition for me and for People's Church. I've also given more responsibility and power to my assistant, Erin. All three of these folks are doing a great job!

4. I'm excited about our church family. It's truly amazing to pastor a church that wants to reach and disciple as many people for Christ as possible. It's awesome to pastor people who are kingdom-minded instead of self-centered. It's phenomenal to see so many of you serve in a ministry every week. You make People's Church what it is today. It's so rewarding to see lives changed on a daily and weekly basis. Every week people give their hearts to Christ in 1 and often in all 5 weekend services. We constantly receive and hear testimonies about how God is changing people's lives. I'M EXCITED!

5. I'm excited for Friend’s Day this weekend! IT'S GOING TO BE A RECORD SETTING DAY! INVITE EVERYONE YOU KNOW! We need 200 of you who attend the 10:30AM service to attend the 9:00AM service this weekend. WE NEED AS MUCH ROOM AS POSSIBLE TO REACH AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE!