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Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend Update

1. I have never seen our church laugh as hard and as long as they laughed this weekend. The message was on sex, and the churched loved it. Some people who have grown up in church all of their lives told me that they had never heard a message on sex. The church must talk about the subject of sex. The church can't just talk against it, we must also talk about it.

2. A huge thank you to some of you who had been attending the 10:30AM for moving to the 9:00AM and some of you to one of the Saturday night services. You're incredible! WE STILL NEED MORE OF YOU TO MAKE THE SWITCH to free up more seats. WE ARE GROWING! GO GOD!

3. There were 40 people who gave their hearts to the Lord this weekend! We have seen 152 people surrender their lives to Christ over the last month. THAT'S AWESOME! There is rejoicing in heaven when just one comes home!

4. People's lives are being changed constantly. We are not into growth just for growth sake but for life change sake. The more we grow means the more lives that are being impacted by the power of the Gospel. We are going to show a powerful life change video this weekend!

5. Tiffany will be joining me for this weekend’s message. The message is called Behind Closed Doors. Tiffany and I are going to open up and talk about what marriage is like in the Cooper home. The good, the bad and the ugly. God is going to use this talk to transform marriages and empower future marriages. Don't miss it!