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Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I am working hard at running People's Church through our Executive Team. Josh is over the operations and staff of People's Church, and Brian is over EVERYTHING that happens in the auditorium, and of course, that includes staff members that fall under that category (media, etc.). I meet once a week on Mondays with these two guys to keep a pulse on what I need to know and to make sure that we are headed in the right direction. I do not attend the weekly staff meeting on Tuesdays any more. I do not need to get bogged down in the day to day stuff. We have very capable and high quality leaders that do so many things better than I do them. I am simply getting out of the way and letting them lead. I will show up to our Tuesday staff meetings once a month and do a teaching to the ENTIRE staff for about an hour, and then I will leave staff meeting and let the executive guys do their thing.

God is doing a huge work in my heart. He's working in me so that He can work through me. We are making the right moves for People's Church to be a church of 4000 in the near future. I really do realize that I'm more effective and People's Church is much better off if I concentrate on doing a few things well and let the other leaders God has blessed this church with lead. I'm giving my attention to prayer, studying God's word, leadership and vision casting.

I'm so grateful to have such a great staff that I get to do ministry with on a daily basis. You guys and gals are really incredible. I MEAN THAT!