1. It was kind of a relaxing weekend for me and the family.
2. Tiffany and I went on an overnight trip without the kids on Friday. We ate dinner, went to a movie and then went back to the hotel and watched the rest of the Lakers & Nuggets game. Always great to be away with my bride.
3. The NBA Playoffs have been really good. Both Tiff and I have enjoyed watching some of the games.
4. I'm pulling for the Lakers to win it all. I was disappointed that the Cavs didn't make it to the finals.
5. Church was awesome! The worship was great! We did a song in half Spanish and half English! I love the diversity of our church!
6. The message was powerful! My good friend, Lynn Wheeler, spoke on Sunday and did an incredible job.
7. Pastors, if you want an anointed, relevant and great speaker to preach for you, you need to check out Lynn's ministry. We have him one or two times a year, and he always ministers to our church family. Visit
www.lynnwheelerministries.com8. I'm excited to preach God's Word this coming Sunday! God has been stirring my heart the last couple of weeks about how
God Is Compassionate!
9. We have had several babies born at People's Church recently! Very exciting!
10. We opened the kids’ playland on Sunday, and the kids went nuts! I'm so glad that our church believes in letting kids have fun in church while we teach them about Jesus! LOVE IT!
11. The kids’ area is coming together. Paint is flying up on the walls, and hopefully this week some of the 3D things will get on the walls. Also, new carpet will start going in the kids’ rooms! PC believes strongly in teaching kids and teenagers about Jesus!
12. The weather was gorgeous all weekend.
13. We are promoting Dad Fest 2009 big time. It's going to be a big day at PC! We are going to have muscle cars on campus and even on the stage! I can't wait to celebrate fatherhood and give away big screen TV’s and recliners to some lucky dads.
14. The audio, video and sound in the new auditorium are awesome! God has blessed us with a great tool to reach more people for Christ!
15. Church family, spend some time praying about what God would have you give to the CRAZY Campaign on Sunday. We are receiving a Special CRAZY Offering this Sunday. We can't out give God! Our faithfulness to God will result in more life change!
16. It's great seeing our church family fellowship on Sunday mornings. The huge lobby area, coffee shop, bistro tables and couches are going to be so good for our church. Relationships are the glue to every church.
17. Get plugged into a Summer Activity Group. What's your hobby: fishing, boating, grilling, sports? Whatever it is, email the church office at
shane@peopleschurch.tv and let him know that you want to lead a Summer Activity Group. In your email, include what kind of group you want to lead. You can also sign up to lead a group in the lobby this coming Sunday! Let's build some great relationships this summer!