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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Poopy Drama

My kids get mad at each other when they call each other “poopy.” Tiffany and I don't allow them to call each other poopy, but sometimes when we are not around, they do it. After somebody gets called poopy, they come complaining and sometimes crying to us. This is a big deal in our home right now! Life changing! LOL. My little two-year-old daughter, Caris, knows she can't call her brothers poopy, and she knows her brothers don't like it. Caris has decided to create her own hidden version of saying poopy...”CookyPOOPYOOOH.” She thinks she is being slick and not calling her brothers poopy, but of course, we all know what my little princess is doing! The boys hate it and are still complaining that sissy is calling them poopy, but sissy says she is saying CookyPOOPYOOOH! LOL! I had to introduce my blogging family to the poopy drama at my home.