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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Advice I Would Give A Young Man

1. Pursue Jesus with passion.

2. Don't take shortcuts because that's the long way to your goal.

3. Pay now so that you can play later. If you play now, you will pay later.

4. Find mentors and let them speak into your life.

5. Make sure your priorities line up with your schedule. If God is first, family is second and work is third, it should be reflected in your schedule.

6. Whatever you are good at, develop it so that you can become great at it. People don't pay for average.

7. Find a woman who is in love with Jesus and marry her. Don't settle! Marry a sold out follower of Christ.

8. Tithe. Give God the first ten percent of your income and watch how He blesses your socks off.

9. Start giving over and above your tithe while you are young. Make this a habit when you are young, and it will pay huge dividends in your life. You can't out give God.

10. Develop a budget and stick to it. You can't spend more than you make and be financially free and invest heavily in the kingdom of God.

11. Don't follow the crowd, follow the Word of God. The Word of God will more than likely go against the crowd.

12. It takes years to build a reputation and seconds to lose it. Live a life above reproach.

13. Work hard. I mean really hard because laziness will not produce success.

14. Make sure you have 3 or 4 really close friends who really know you and love you for you.

15. Don't burn bridges because you never know when you need to cross one again.

16. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Take time to enjoy this gift called life.