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Thursday, February 21, 2008

CRAZY Tips pt. 3

6. Remember, this isn't about brick and mortar; it's about changed lives. It's about more changed lives. As you invest in the CRAZY Campaign, literally, thousands of people are going to find Christ in our new facility. I AM PUMPED!

7. You are storing treasure in heaven. Our earthly rewards can't compare to our HEAVENLY rewards.

8. As you invest in God's Kingdom, you are exemplifying a heart for God. The scripture says, “where your treasure is that's where your heart will be also.” It's an amazing feeling to know that you have a heart for God.

9. CRAZY miracles happen when everybody does their part and does their best. Let it be said of each one of us that we did our part and did our best for the glory of God!

10. God is going to abundantly bless you as you step out in CRAZY faith. You can't out give God!

11. I can't wait for Sunday! It's going to be the most exciting services ever at People's Church! It will be an HISTORIC DAY filled with God's presence!