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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

CRAZY Tips pt. 2

4. Reason versus Revelation: Reason means I look at my budget and figure out what I can afford to give. Revelation means I spend time in prayer and find out what God wants to do through me. Reason means I do what pleases me, and revelation means I do what pleases God.

5. Get Creative: Every person and family has their own unique situation. Since the beginning of our marriage, Tiffany and I have always saved a portion of our pay check. I have been afforded the opportunity to speak at conferences and churches around the nation. These are a couple of the unique situations that the Cooper family has been blessed with. So, we are getting creative in how we can sacrificially give to the CRAZY campaign. We are giving two thirds of our savings to the CRAZY Campaign, all of the money we receive from speaking out for the next 3 years and an extra 10 percent of our income over and above the Lord's tithe and our regular offerings. What does creative look like for you? Stocks, selling land, car, home or possessions, savings, second job, percentage of your check, giving from your business, you are retired so you take a part time job, you're about to retire but you work an extra 3 years or giving up a vacation. It's amazing the CRAZY things God can do through us when we get creative!