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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Staying Healthy

So many people neglect their health and suffer for it. Our health matters to God. That's why the Bible says gluttony is a sin because it destroys our body (I did have to repent from gluttony during the Thanksgiving holiday). Let me give you some keys to having and maintaining good health.

1. Exercise 3 to 5 times a week. I go to the gym and lift weights and do cardio work 4 or 5 times a week. Exercise is a major key to getting into shape and maintaining your health.

2. Quit eating so much. You have to limit your portions. You have to quit eating so late at night. You have to quit eating ice cream, cake, pies, cookies and other junk food every single day. Too much of that stuff will kill you.

3. If you are disciplined, you can eat almost anything you want if you will do it in moderation. The problem is most people don't do anything in moderation. You have to learn to eat in moderation.

More tomorrow on this very important subject!