1. You can freely and openly admit the things you are not good at doing
2. You can freely and openly admit the things you are good at doing
3. You realize you are only really good at a few things, and you know what they are
4. You know if you are a morning, afternoon or evening person
5. You know how much sleep you need to function at a high level
6. You know what time of the day you get your best work done
7. You don't have a false perception of yourself. If your mom is the only person who thinks you are good at something, you're not, and you need to be honest about it.
8. You know what makes you happy, sad and mad
9. You know what relaxes you
10. You know if you are an introvert or extrovert
11. You know your love language
12. You know if you are more of a spender or saver
13. You know the kind of people you enjoy being friends with
14. You know how God usually speaks to you
15. You know the spiritual gifts God has given you