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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's Much Easier

Oftentimes going to the next level requires you to do the hard thing. Over the years, I've observed that many people take the easy road and miss out on all that God wants to do through their lives. Getting to the next level isn’t easy, so many people stay right where they are. It's much easier

1. To play it safe instead of risking it all to follow God

2. To not evaluate the weak areas of your church or organization

3. To pretend like everything is ok, even when it's not

4. To avoid difficult conversations so that you remain comfortable

5. To stay the same and never grow, stretch and get better

6. To blame all your problems on God and never take a hard look at yourself

7. To only talk with people who are where you are or behind you rather than people who are ahead of you and will make you better

8. To be lazy rather than working hard

9. To follow your flesh rather than yield your life to the work of the Holy Spirit

10. To be like everybody else instead of being who God has called you to be

Today, make the difficult decision and go to the next level! God has SO MUCH MORE FOR YOU!